French producer LeMarquis is a talented soul in the underworld of dance-heavy remixes. Having worked relentlessly on tracks for a range of artists, latest offering ‘Hurricane’ brings this producer into the brilliantly illuminated spotlight. Featured vocal comes from London-based Alo Lee, a voice which radiates a dark and brooding magic amidst the electronic backdrop of alluring, textured soundscapes. Although Lee possesses an ethereal, soft R&B murmur in her vocal inflection, she also projects depth and wounded emotion, a winning combination which complements the bold beats and trance-inducing, repetitive sonic ripples. Much like its title, ‘Hurricane’ is a majestic and turbulent piece of art. LeMarquis recently said he had Lee in mind all along to be the voice of this impressive number, and with a collaboration so stirring, it's very easy to see why. -LB
